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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Category: snack recipes

Claussen Dill Pickle Clone

Patricia @ ButterYum

I'm not sure if this recipe is actually a clone of Claussen Pickles, but we sure do love the crisp garlicky crunch these pickles provide.  Whether layered on a sandwich or eaten straight from the jar, they're pretty fantastic and so incredibly easy to make yourself.  I should mention the recipe makes a ton, but you can scale it down easily.  

Start with washed unwaxed cucumbers. This variety of organic cukes were in my last CSA delivery. Aren't they beautiful?

Slice the cucumbers however you like them - you can make spears or slices. We like kind of thickish slices so I use a mandolin which makes quick work of it and all the slices end up being exactly the same thickness.

Boil the ingredients for the pickle brine. A note about mustard and dill seeds - the most inexpensive place I've found them is at my local Hispanic grocery store. I got a large bag of each for less than $3. Also check out Asian and Indian markets.

Allow the brine to cool, then pour over the cucumbers and close the jar. Let them sit at room temperature for 3 days, shaking the jar every once in a while, then store them in the refrigerator for up to 1 year.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Claussen Dill Pickle Clone

Printable Recipe

Items Needed

  • 1 gallon jar with lid (or 4 quart-size jars)

  • 12 five-inch long unwaxed pickling cucumbers, washed and cut 1/4-inch thick

  • pickle brine (below)

Pickle Brine:

  • 1/3 cup minced dried onion

  • 6 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons whole mustard seeds (yellow or brown)

  • 6 tablespoons dill seeds (or 6 heads of fresh dill)

  • 8 cups water

  • 1 1/2 cups white distilled vinegar

  • 1/2 cup Kosher salt


  1. Place pickles (and fresh dill if using) into clean jar.

  2. Bring the pickle brine ingredients to a boil in a large stainless steel pot; stirring until salt dissolves.

  3. Allow liquid to cool, then pour over pickles.

  4. Place lid on jar and allow to sit at room temperature for 3 days, turning occasionally.

  5. Refrigerate pickles for up to 1 year.


  • English cucumbers are not recommended.

Baba Ganoush

Patricia @ ButterYum

Baba Ganoush (Roasted Eggplant Dip) - ButterYum

I'm really enjoying my CSA deliveries this year.  Last week we got several eggplants so I decided to make Baba Ganoush, a delicous roasted eggplant dip that's made with roasted garlic, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and ground cumin.   I like to serve it with salted pita chips.  It's really tasty, but the flavor is even better a day or two after you make it.   

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Baba Ganoush (Roasted Eggplant Dip)

Printable Recipe


  • 2 eggplants, cut in half lengthwise

  • 4 large cloves garlic, peeled

  • 1/4 cup prepared tahini

  • 3-4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley


  1. Preheat oven to 375F.

  2. Line a sheet pan with foil.

  3. Make a small foil package to wrap the garlic cloves in.

  4. Place foil-wrapped garlic and eggplants, cut side down, on sheet pan.

  5. Bake in center of preheated oven for 30-40 minutes, or until the eggplants are soft and their flesh is easy to scoop out of their skins.

  6. Remove from oven and cool.

  7. Scoop softened eggplant into a blender or food processor; add garlic, tahini, lemon juice, cumin, salt, and parsley. Pulse to combine; continue pulsing until you reach the consistency you desire. Serve with pita chips or vegetables. Refrigerate leftovers in an airtight container. Makes approximately 3 cups.