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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Category: snack recipes

Small Batch Potato Chips

Patricia @ ButterYum

Small Batch Potato Chips - ButterYum

Have a craving for potato chips?  Grab a russet potato and head into the kitchen to fry up a small batch.  

The process is very easy - here's how:

You don't have to use an oil thermometer. Check the oil temperature by dropping one potato slice into the oil. If it bubbles like this, the oil is hot enough to make chips.

Heat about an inch of oil in a good quality nonstick pan. I'm using my favorite nonstick by Swiss Diamond - it can hold up to the heat and clean up is a breeze.

Working in small batches, fry a few chips at a time until the edges begin to curl and turn golden brown, then flip.

Continue frying on second side until they are nice and toasty all over. Don't let them go too long - they'll darken a bit as they cool.

Drain chips on paper towels and sprinkle with very finely milled popcorn salt while they're still warm. Because the popcorn salt is so finely milled, it sticks to the chips better than table or kosher salt.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Small Batch Potato Chips

Printable Recipe


  • 1 russet potato

  • peanut or canola oil

  • popcorn salt to taste


  1. Peel potato and slice very thin using a mandolin slicer (about 1/32-inch thick).

  2. Heat about an inch of oil in a saucepan until the oil reaches 350F (I like to use good quality non-stick saucepan).

  3. Carefully slide individual potato slices into the hot oil, being careful not to overcrowd the pan (this process will take several batches).

  4. When the edges of the potato slices begin to curl and brown, carefully turn the slices over.

  5. Remove potato chips from pan when the desired color is achieved; drain well on paper towels.

  6. While potato chips are still warm, sprinkle lightly with popcorn salt.


  • Popcorn salt is very fine and will stick to the chips better than kosher or table salt.  

Beet Chips

Patricia @ ButterYum

Beet Chips - ButterYum

One of the reasons I have most enjoyed being a part of a CSA Program this summer has been receiving locally grown fruits and vegetables that I wouldn't normally purchase.  Take beets for example.  I've ever purchased beets, but this summer we've gotten them in our CSA delivery and by golly, they're pretty darn tasty, especially when prepared like this.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Beet Chips

Printable Recipe


  • Beets, washed and sliced very thin using a mandolin slicer (about 1/16-inch thick)

  • olive oil

  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400F.

  2. Wash and dry beets (no need to peel them).

  3. Slice the beets very thin using a mandolin slicer (I used setting #2 on the small slicer shown below).

  4. Mist both sides of the sliced beets with olive oil spray.

  5. Place sliced beets in a single layer on cooling rack.

  6. Place cooling rack into a half sheet pan.

  7. Sprinkle sliced beets with salt and pepper.

  8. Bake for 30 minutes or until the beets shrivel and become crisp, being careful not to burn them (they're also excellent baked until brown around the edges and chewy).

  9. Remove from oven and cool completely.