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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Category: snack recipes

Vanilla Marshmallows

Patricia @ ButterYum

Homemade Marshmallows - ButterYum —

Most of my kids want me to make cheesecake or a layer cake for their birthday, but my youngest doesn't necessarily follow the lead of her siblings.  One year she asked for cookies, another year she wanted pumpkin pie, and this year she requested homemade marshmallows. I don't know anyone who likes marshmallows more than she does so I wasn't surprised at all.

Marshmallows are easy to make as long as you follow these simple rules:

  • Avoid making marshmallows in high humidity conditions - the egg whites will not whip up properly.

  • Use egg whites from whole eggs, not from a carton.

  • Cold eggs are easiest to separate, but egg whites whip better when they're allowed to come to room temperature first.

  • Don't allow any fat to come in contact with the egg whites, bowl, or beaters.

  • Be sure to use an accurate candy thermometer.

  • Don't be tempted to remove the sugar syrup from the heat before it reaches the proper temperature.

  • Have all your ingredients and equipment prepped and ready to go before you start.

Okay, let's make some marshmallows.

Place the water in the mixing bowl. Sprinkle the granulated gelatin evenly over the surface of the water and allow it to “bloom” (this is when the gelatin’s appearance changes from opaque to translucent as it absorbs water).

Place the bowl containing the water and bloomed gelatin on the stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment; let it rest until the sugar syrup is ready to go.

Next combine a few ingredients in a nonstick saucepan: salt...


And corn syrup.

Stir until the sugar dissolves.

Place a candy thermometer into the sugar mixture.

Tip: if your thermometer bulb isn’t submerged under the level of the liquid, turn it upside down.

Like this.

Bring the sugar mixture to a boil and continue to boil until it reaches 240F.

Immediately turn the stand mixer on low speed and pour the hot sugar syrup into the gelatin mixture.

Add pure vanilla extract - be sure to use the good stuff!

Increase the mixer speed to high.

Continue mixing for 10-15 minutes until the mixture cools and thickens.

Pour the marshmallow mixture into an oiled sheet pan (use a neutral flavored oil). Oil your fingers and press the mixture into an even layer. Allow to cool completely for several hours or overnight.

When marshmallows are completely set, dust very well with confectioners' sugar, cut, and toss with more confectioners' sugar. Store in an airtight container.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Vanilla Marshmallows

makes 1/2 sheet pan

Printable Recipe


  • 3 tablespoons unflavored gelatin (three 1/4-ounce packages)

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar

  • 1 cup light corn syrup

  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

  • vegetable or canola oil

  • confectioners' sugar for dusting


  1. Prepare a quarter sheet pan (9x13-inches) by coating with neutral flavored oil; set aside.

  2. In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine gelatin with 1/2 cup water.

  3. Place the bowl on the stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment; let gelatin mixture rest while you make the sugar syrup.

  4. In a nonstick sauce pan over medium high heat, combine sugar, corn syrup, salt, and 1/2 cup water; stir until sugar dissolves, then boil until temperature reaches 240F.

  5. Turn the stand mixer on low and slowly add the hot sugar syrup.

  6. Add the vanilla and increase the mixer speed to high for 10-15 minutes until the mixture cools and thickens.

  7. Pour marshmallow mixture into prepared sheet pan; allow to set up for several hours or overnight (if needed, use well oiled hands to spread mixture evenly in pan).

  8. When marshmallows are completely set, dust very well with confectioners' sugar, cut, and toss with more confectioners' sugar.

  9. Store in an airtight container.

recipe adapted from Barefoot Contessa Family Style by Ina Garten

Perfectly Pink Applesauce

Patricia @ ButterYum

Many years ago, my friend Susie taught me how to make her special homemade applesauce.  As far as I'm concerned, any homemade applesauce is special, but hers was even more special because it was always pink!    

Susie's favorite apples to use are Paula Reds, which I can't find where I live, but our local apple orchards grow several varieties of red-skinned apples that make wonderful applesauce so I make do with what is available.  If you can find them, Rome Beauties have a deep red skin, and often they will have streaks of pink running inside them too.  And here's a really neat trick I picked up somewhere along the way - to deepen the pink color even more, toss in a few ruby red or purple plums while cooking the apples.  

I don't find it necessary to add any sugar to my finished applesauce, but you certainly can if you feel your batch needs it - just add it to taste.  Feel free to sprinkle in a little ground cinnamon too, if you like.

A food mill makes it easy to remove the apple skins, but if you don't have one, peel the apples first, then add the peels to the pot while the apples cook.  Pull the peels out before processing the sauce.

Wash apples well, cut in half and remove seeds and stems.  Do not peel the skins.

Cut each half into quarters.

If using plums (optional), cut in half and remove pits.  Do not peel.

Place cut fruit in stockpot.

Add 1 cup of water (or apple juice if you have it).

Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently.

Here's what it should look like after 15 minutes.

Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool before processing through a food mill.  Store in the refrigerator in airtight containers and use within a week.  Can be frozen as well - just thaw overnight in the fridge. 

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Perfectly Pink Applesauce

Printable Recipe


  • 4 pounds red-skinned cooking apples (Rome Beauty, Ida Red, Paula Red, etc)

  • 4 dark red or purple-skinned plums (optional)

  • 1 cup water (or apple juice)


  1. Wash apples well, cut in half, and remove core (don't peel); cut each half into quarters.

  2. Wash plums well, cut in half, and remove pit (don't peel).

  3. In a large stock pot over medium-high heat, combine the apples, plums, and water.

  4. Cook, stirring frequently, for 10-15 minutes or until the apples are soft.

  5. Turn off the heat and allow the apples to cool until you're ready to process them into sauce.

  6. Using a food mill, remove skins and process the apples to the texture you prefer (I like to use the medium disk for applesauce). *see note below if you don’t have a food mill.

  7. Taste and adjust sweetness by adding little sugar if needed (I almost never feel the need to add sugar).

  8. Refrigerate for up to a week, or freeze for up to a year.


  • If you don't have a food mill, here's how you can make the applesauce.  Simply peel the apples and add the peeled skins to the pot while the apples cook, then remove the skins before pulsing apples in a food processor or blender.  For chunky applesauce, use a potato masher.  Also, if you can't find dark colored plums, make you can still make the pink applesauce, but the finished color won't be quite as deep (see photo below).


"rome beauty" applesauce made with plums on left; without plums on right