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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Category: snack recipes

Chocolate Sandwich Cookies with Salted Caramel Russian Buttercream

Patricia @ ButterYum

During my last post I taught you how to make Russian Buttercream with a Mexican Twist (in the form of dulce de leche), and now I’m going to add a little French je ne sais quoi to the buttercream by giving it a salted caramel flavor profile, which pairs perfectly with Chocolate, or should I say Chocolat. Ooh-la-la!


Start by making delicious chewy chocolate cookies, which are perfectly divine on their own, and sandwich two together with a layer of salted caramel Russian Buttercream in the middle. It’s a heavenly combination.


Seriously, try not to eat all the chocolate cookies before you turn them into sandwich cookies!


You can serve these cookies at room temperature, but I think they’re even better slightly chilled (10-15 minutes in the fridge). Enjoy!

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Chocolate Sandwich Cookies w/Salted Caramel Russian Buttercream

makes 12 sandwich cookies

Printable Recipe



  • 1 cup all purpose flour

  • 6 tablespoons dutch processed cocoa, sifted (use really good quality)

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

  • 1/4 teaspoon fine salt

  • 10 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature

  • 1 cup granulated sugar

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

  • extra granulated sugar to coat roll cookies in before baking (or use vanilla sugar)


  • 1/4 pound (113g) unsalted butter at room temperature (70F)

  • 1/4 pound (113g) canned dulce de leche, chilled

  • fine table salt to taste


To make the cookies:

  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt; set aside until needed.

  2. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the flat beater or BeaterBlade attachment, cream butter and sugar on medium speed for about 2 minutes until it lightens in color.

  3. Add egg and pure vanilla extract; continue to mix until no traces of egg remain.

  4. Turn mixer speed down to low; add cocoa mixture and combine until no traces of dry flour or cocoa remain, scraping bowl if needed.

  5. Wrap dough in plastic and chill for at least 1 hour.

  6. Preheat oven to 350F, place rack in center of oven, and line 2 half sheet pans with silpat liners.

  7. Using a #50 scoop (about 1 tablespoon), roll level scoops of chilled cookie dough in the palm of your hand to form a ball; coat with granulated sugar and space evenly on sheet pan, 12 per pan.

  8. Bake for 9-10 minutes; remove from oven and cool for 10 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack to cool completely.

To make the filling:

  1. In a medium mixing bowl, beat room temperature butter using a hand mixer for 2-3 mites, until light in color and very fluffy.

  2. Add chilled dulce de leche and continue beating with a hand mixer for 1 minute.

  3. Taste the buttercream carefully and add just enough salt to achieve the level of salted caramel flavor you desire, beating well so the salt is evenly distributed.

Restaurant-Style Salsa

Patricia @ ButterYum

I’m not kidding when I say I could eat chips and salsa every day of my life, without complaint. No exaggeration - it’s one of my favorite things ever. I have a number of oven roasted salsa recipes on this blog, but when I need a salsa fix fast, I can throw a few simple canned ingredients together to to make this restaurant-style version. It goes without saying, use the best canned tomatoes you can - DO NOT use bitter tasting canned tomatoes. No amount of salt or sugar will fix the bitterness. Some canned tomato brands I’m fond of - Cento, SMT, Tuttorosso, Muir Glen, and Sclafani.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Restaurant-Style Salsa

makes about 1 quart

Printable Recipe


  • 28-ounce can tomatoes (whole, diced, crushed… doesn’t matter)

  • 10-ounce can Ro-tel tomatoes (tomatoes with chilis)

  • 1 small onion, peeled and roughly chopped

  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled

  • 1 jalapeno pepper, stem and seeds removed

  • juice of 1 lime

  • 1 teaspoon Jane’s crazy mixed up salt (or table salt)

  • optional: 1 cup fresh cilantro (leaves and tender stems)


  1. In a blender or food processor, pulse all ingredients together until they reach your desired consistency.

  2. Taste and adjust salt and pepper if needed.