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Butteryum food blog recipes

Purple Peruvian Potato Chips

Patricia @ ButterYum

Purple Peruvian Potato Chips - ButterYum

Today is Halloween so I thought I'd share these neat purple potato chips I made recently. I won't go into all the details of how here, but you see a quick photo tutorial here on my post for Small Batch Potato Chips.  Have a safe holiday out there!

The process is very easy - here's how:

Heat the oil to about 350F.  You don't have to use an oil thermometer.  Check the oil temperature by dropping one potato slice into the oil.  If it bubbles like this, the oil is hot enough to make chips.  

Heat about an inch of oil in a good quality nonstick pan.  I'm using my favorite nonstick by Swiss Diamond - it can hold up to the heat and clean up is a breeze.  

Working in small batches, fry a few chips at a time until the edges begin to curl and turn golden brown, then flip.

how to make homemade potato chips. how to make purple potato chips. homemade potato chip recipe. how to make potato chips at home.

Continue frying on second side until they are nice and toasty all over.  Don't let them go too long - they'll darken a bit as they cool.

homemade potato chip recipe. how to make the best potato chips at home. DIY potato chips. BEST homemade potato chips. homemade potato chip tutorial. small batch potato chips recipe.

Drain chips on paper towels and sprinkle with very finely milled popcorn salt while they're still warm.  Because the popcorn salt is so finely milled, it sticks to the chips better than table or kosher salt.

Purple Peruvian Potato Chips

Printable Recipe


  • purple peruvian potatoes

  • peanut or canola oil

  • popcorn salt to taste


  1. Slice potatoes very thin using a mandolin slicer (about 1/32-inch thick).

  2. Heat about an inch of oil in a saucepan until the oil reaches 350F (I use a thermometer and a good quality non-stick saucepan).

  3. Carefully slide individual potato slices into the hot oil, being careful not to overcrowd the pan (this process will take several batches).

  4. When the edges of the potato slices begin to curl and brown, carefully turn the slices over.

  5. Use a heat proof scoop to remove potato chips from pan when the desired color is achieved; drain well on paper towels.

  6. Immediately sprinkle lightly with popcorn salt.


  • Popcorn salt is very fine and will stick to the chips better than kosher or table salt.

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Steamed Easy-Peel Eggs

Patricia @ ButterYum

How to Peel Farm Fresh Eggs - ButterYum

I know just about everyone has felt the frustration of trying to peel hard cooked eggs, and the fresher they are, the harder they are to peel.  The shell sticks like crazy glue and you're left with an unsightly egg that resembles the cratered surface of the moon.  Not very appetizing.  

In the past, the only surefire way I'd found to guaranteed a shell would released cleanly and easily was to start by cooking eggs that were several weeks old, but we go through eggs so quickly at our house that we don't often have older eggs to cook.  

But recently I read about a technique for cooking and peeling farm-fresh eggs on the blog The Prairie Homestead and I couldn't wait to try it.  The technique worked beautifully and I'm so happy to be able to share it with you today.  Happy peeling! 

UPDATE:  If you have an electric pressure cooker, I've learned a new technique that works maybe just a tad better.  You can check it out here.

Start by finding a metal colander or steam basket that will fit down inside a stockpot, leaving enough room for the lid to fit on top.  Place your fresh eggs in the basket and add enough water to cover the bottom of the pan, but not touch the eggs. 

Place the pan over high heat and bring the water to a boil.   As soon as the water start to boil, cover the pan and reduce the heat to medium-low.  The steam temperature will remain the same whether the water is fully boiling or just gently boiling so lower the heat to reduce the risk of the pan boiling dry.

Set a timer for 22 minutes - give or take a minute or two depending on the size of the eggs.  I tested this technique with my extra large store-bought eggs and they needed about 24 minutes - and yes, they peeled just as easily. 

When the time is up, cool the eggs in cold water to stop the cooking process. 

Your fresh eggs should now peel without any trouble.

And here are the results.  The egg in the upper left is an extra large store-bought egg; the other two with darker yolks are fresh from the farm.  

Happy peeling!