Spicy Pickled Shrimp — ButterYum — a tasty little food blog

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Butteryum food blog recipes

Spicy Pickled Shrimp

Patricia @ ButterYum

This is my take on a recipe I recently spied on a wonderful blog called One Perfect Bite.  These tasty shrimp are wonderful and there's no way you can stop at just one!

Despite the long list of ingredients, the recipe is a snap to put together. The hardest thing about making it is the 4-hour wait to sample the finished product.

Okay, okay, I confess, I nibbled while I waited. 

Start by slicing a medley of bell peppers. Love all the bright colors.

Peel and devein 2 pounds of large shrimp. I used 16-20 size (that means there are 16-20 per shrimp pound). I reserved the shrimp shells to make stock.

Time to make a simple seasoning mixture that tastes very much like Old Bay.

Next the shrimp are tossed with the seasoning mixture and the juice of one lemon.

The shrimp are then steamed in a basket suspended over about an inch of water to which the reserved lemon rind has been sliced and added.

The moment the shrimp are done, they are chilled on ice to stop the cooking process. Don't be tempted to use ice water because that would wash all the yummy seasoning away (the shrimp are super yummy to eat at this point).

And lastly the shrimp and sliced bell peppers are added to the marinade ingredients that were whisked together in a large bowl and the mixture is chilled for 4-72 hours.

Try really hard not to swipe a shrimp every time you walk by the fridge.

Mmm, Mmm - Hubby and I loved these.  Totally Delish.  Enjoy!

Spicy Pickled Shrimp

makes 2 pounds

Printable Recipe


  • 2 pounds large or jumbo raw shrimp, peeled and deveined

  • juice of 1 lemon, rind reserved

  • 1 small red bell pepper, sliced

  • 1 small green bell pepper, sliced

  • 1 small yellow bell pepper, sliced

Seasoning Mix (Old Bay copycat):

  • 1/4 teaspoon celery seed

  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon pepper

  • 1 teaspoon sweet Paprika (*2 3/4 teaspoons of Old Bay Seasoning may be substituted)


  • 1/4 cup olive oil

  • 1/4 cup cider vinegar

  • 1/4 cup white balsamic vinegar or white vinegar

  • 3 cloves garlic, pressed

  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

  • 1/2 teaspoon dried dill weed

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

  • 1 teaspoon Kosher salt

  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • 2 medium shallots, finely sliced


  1. In a small bowl, make the seasoning mix by combining the celery seed, garlic powder, onion powder, lemon pepper and paprika; set aside.

  2. In a large bowl, place the prepared shrimp and sprinkle with the juice of one lemon; stir and set aside (save the lemon rind for later).

  3. Sprinkle shrimp with seasoning mix and toss well.

  4. Steam shrimp in about an inch of water that has the reserved lemon rinds cut up and added to it. Steam just until the shrimp are done (as soon as they turn pink); chill shrimp in ice.

  5. In a large bowl, make the marinade by whisking all the marinade ingredients together.

  6. Add chilled shrimp and sliced bell peppers to the marinade and toss to coat.

  7. Refrigerate for 4-72 hours.

adapted from oneperfectbite.com