Angel Food Cake w/Lemon Cream Sauce — ButterYum — a tasty little food blog

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Butteryum food blog recipes

Angel Food Cake w/Lemon Cream Sauce

Patricia @ ButterYum

Well, I celebrated a birthday this week.  My oldest daughter, ButterYum Jr, decided a few years ago that she was going to start making my birthday cakes, and together we picked Angel Food for this year's cake.  Compared to most cakes, it's pretty high in protein and isn't smothered in decadent frosting - a good option for anyone dieting like me.

What can I say, she's brave.  And a bit stubborn too, as she refuses to take advantage of my baking expertise by letting me help her, but thankfully she allowed me to verbally assist from afar.  For example, when separating the yolks and whites, I was sure to warn her that even the tiniest speck of egg yolk would keep the egg whites from whipping - oops, she didn't know that and had to start over with new eggs.  Another near miss was when I mentioned that you're not supposed to grease an angel food cake pan - oops, she didn't know that either.

Thank you, my love - your cake was absolutely delicious, and the yummy lemon cream sauce and mixed berries were the perfect accompaniment.  I look forward to your cakes each year and I'm so very proud of the lovely young lady you're growing up to be!!  XO

Angel Food Cake With Lemon Cream

makes 12-16 servings

Printable Recipe



  • 1 1/2 cups egg whites, room temperature (about 12)

  • 1 cup cake flour 

  • 1 1/2 cups plus 2 tablespoons sugar, divided

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cream of tartar

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Lemon Cream Sauce:

  • 3 whole eggs

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 1/2 cup lemon juice (or 1/4 teaspoon lemon oil)

  • 1/4 cup butter, melted

  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream, whipped


To make the cake:

  1. Preheat oven to 375F, and place rack in lowest position.

  2. Sift together the cake flour and 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar; set aside. 

  3. In a large mixing bowl, beat egg whites, cream of tartar, vanilla extract, and salt on medium speed until soft peaks form. 

  4. Gradually add remaining sugar, beating on high until stiff peaks form.  Gradually fold in the flour mixture.

  5. Gently spoon batter into an ungreased 10-inch tube pan. 

  6. Cut through the batter with a knife to remove air pockets. 

  7. Bake on the lowest rack for 30-34 minute or until the top springs back when lightly touched (top will crack and feel dry).

  8. Immediately invert baking pan over the neck of a tall bottle; cool completely upside down.

  9. Run a knife around the sides and center of the tube pan.

  10. Invert cake onto a serving plate.

To make the sauce:

  1. Beat eggs and sugar together in a heavy-bottomed sauce pan over low heat. 

  2. Stir in the lemon juice and butter. 

  3. Cook until the mixture thickens and reaches 160F, about 15 minutes; chill completely. 

  4. When chilled, fold in the whipped cream. 

  5. Add a drop or two of yellow food coloring if desired. 


  • Store sauce in the refrigerator.  Store cake in an airtight container at room temperature.

Adapted from Taste of Home