Cinco de Mayo Roundup — ButterYum — a tasty little food blog

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Butteryum food blog recipes

Cinco de Mayo Roundup

Patricia @ ButterYum

May 5th is quickly approaching - here's a round up of Mexican themed recipes for your Cinco de Mayo celebration.  

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers
Charred Poblano Salsa
Charred Tomatillo Salsa
Spicy Chicken and Hominy Stew
Southwestern Chicken Noodle Soup
Mexican Rice
Mexican Beef Casserole
Copycat Taco Bell Crunch Wrap Supremes
Sweet and Spicy Dr. Pepper Pulled Pork
Lime Marinaded Beef Fajitas
Mexican Hot Chocolate Pudding
Pati Jinich's Piggy Cookies
Mexican Wedding Cookies