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Sous Vide Poached Eggs


Butteryum food blog recipes

Sous Vide Poached Eggs

Patricia @ ButterYum

Cooking Sous Vide not only produces perfect Steaks and Roasts, you can use the sous vide technique to make absolutely perfect poached eggs, guaranteed.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Sous Vide Poached Eggs

make as many as you like

Printable Recipe


  • large eggs, room temperature

  • garnish, salt pepper, chopped chives


  1. Set up sous vide circulator in a heat-proof vessel or sous vide container and preheat the water to 167F (75c).

  2. Gently drop the eggs into the preheated water and set a timer for 13 minutes; prepare a bowl of iced water.

  3. At the end of 13 minutes, move eggs to iced water bath for 5 minutes.

  4. Crack, season, and serve.