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Walnut-Stuffed Dates


Butteryum food blog recipes

Walnut-Stuffed Dates

Patricia @ ButterYum

Need a super quick appetizer that you can throw together in a matter of minutes? Here you go.

Walnut-stuffed Dates

make as many or as few as you need

Printable Recipe


  • medjool dates, pitted

  • english walnut halves

  • cream cheese (*see note for substitution)

  • honey (optional)

  • thyme leaves (optional)


  1. Open a pitted date like a book and spread 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of cream cheese inside.

  2. Top cream cheese with halved walnut and partially close date.

  3. If desired, garnish with a drizzle of honey and/or fresh thyme leaves.


  • You may substitute mascarpone cheese for the cream cheese.