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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Category: snack recipes

Pistachio Shortbread

Patricia @ ButterYum

We love pistachios so I knew I wanted to give this recipe a try when I found it over at Bon Appetit.  I thought about dipping the finished cookies in melted chocolate, but opted for this variation instead.  The chips are placed right after the cookies come out of the oven - the heat of the warm cookies is enough to melt the chips right in place.

Lets start with some yummy pistachios.

Grind them up until they're sandy.

Don't let them go too long or they'll turn to paste.

Transfer the ground pistachios to a mixer bowl fitted with the paddle attachment (or better, a BeaterBlade), add the flour, salt, almond extract, butter, and water; mix until the dough comes together. Transfer dough onto a piece of wax or parchment paper.

Roll dough into an 8x12-inch rectangle.

I used the flat side of this plastic bowl scraper to help keep the edges straight. A bench scraper would also work.

Slide the paper onto a flat cookie sheet or the back side of a rimmed sheet pan like I did.

Pop the dough into the fridge to chill for about an hour.

After an hour I used a pizza wheel and stainless steel ruler to trim the edges.


Then I cut the dough into 8 strips lengthwise and 4 strips width-wise so I ended up with 32 rectangular cookies that were ready to bake.

Okay, transfer half of the cookies onto a silpat-lined sheet pan and bake in a preheated oven for 10-12 minutes.

Optional: Add a few chocolate chips to each cookie right after they come out of the oven. Enjoy.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Pistachio Shortbread

makes 32 cookies

Printable Recipe


  • 4 1/2 ounces (126g) shelled, unsalted pistachios

  • 5 1/4 ounces (150g) granulated sugar

  • 6 1/8 ounces (173g) all purpose flour

  • 1/2 teaspoon (6g) fine salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon (6g) pure almond extract

  • 8 tablespoons (113g) unsalted butter, room temperature

  • 2 tablespoons (30g) ice cold water

  • optional: 98 chocolate chips (3 per cookies)


  1. Process pistachios and sugar in the bowl of a food processor until finely ground.

  2. Transfer mixture to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a flat beater (I love my Beater Blade); add flour, salt, almond extract, butter, and water.

  3. Mix just until thoroughly combined.

  4. Roll dough into an 8x12-inch rectangle on parchment or wax paper.

  5. Using a pizza wheel, cut the dough lengthwise into 8 strips, then cut crosswise into 4 strips.

  6. Slide parchment or wax paper onto flat surface (like an upside down sheet pan) and chill dough for about an hour.

  7. Preheat the oven to 350F.

  8. Place the cookies, leaving about an inch of space between each, on 2 silpat-lined sheet pans and bake one pan at a time for 10-12 minutes.

  9. Remove from oven and place 3 chocolate chips on each cookie if desired. Cool completely.

adapted from Bon Appetit

Jello Easter Eggs

Patricia @ ButterYum

My fun little Easter Egg idea has turned into one of my most popular blog posts through the years so I can't let the Easter season go by without sharing them again. I came up with the idea of making them when my kids were young.  I usually make them at Easter time, but they're fun any time of the year. 

I start with these egg molds.  I got mine at the grocery store about 15 years ago, but you can find them online and occasionally in thrift shops.  I've also seen molds that make egg halves available like this one (or check out the other links I have listed below) - just be sure the mold cavities are 1-2 ounces to make jello eggs that are the same size as normal eggs.

I fill the molds with the jello jiggler recipe (below), then chill for at least 4 hours.  After unmolding, I cut them in half lengthwise and then I use a melon ball tool to make a little well in each half.  Pop that little bit into your mouth - cook's treat.

Arrange the prepared halves on a deviled egg tray.  Do this before you fill the halves, or you'll have a huge mess on your hands. If you plan to travel with your eggs, you might want to try covered deviled egg trays.

I like to pipe a pretty swirl of the vanilla cream cheese mixture using a large disposable pastry bag and a large star tip.

To pipe the filling more than 6 hours ahead of time, add a packet of Whip It to the vanilla filling mixture when you add the heavy cream.  You can skip this step if you like, but I think of it as extra insurance.

how to make jello easter eggs. how to make jello deviled eggs. ButterYum

Ta-da!  Go make some fun and tasty Jell-o Easter Eggs.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Jello Easter Eggs with Vanilla Cream Filling


Printable Recipe

(each box makes approximately 6 half jello eggs)


  • 3 ounce package of jello, any flavor

  • 3/4 cup boiling water

Vanilla Filling (makes enough to fill about 24 egg halves):


  1. Lightly coat egg mold with a thin layer of canola or vegetable oil.

  2. Snap mold together and set it on a tray to catch any spills.

  3. Combine jello and boiling water together; stir for 3 minutes until the jello is completely dissolved.

  4. Slowly pour mixture into mold; chill overnight.

  5. When you're ready to unmold the eggs, slowly pry the mold halves apart (I use a butter knife to gently coax the halves apart).

  6. Using a sharp chef's knife, cut the eggs in half lengthwise using one continuous motion.

  7. Next use a melon ball tool to make a well in the large end of each egg half.

To make the filling:

  1. Cream together the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, and salt until smooth.

  2. Add the heavy cream and whip until stiff peaks form.

  3. Put the cream cheese filling into a pastry bag that has been fitted with a large star tip and pipe the filling into the egg halves. Chill until service.


  • To fill the jello eggs with cream cheese filling more than 6 hours ahead of time, add a packet of Whip It to the cream cheese filling mixture when you add the heavy cream.

  • For easy transporting, pick up some covered egg trays.

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