Egg Bite Casserole — ButterYum — a tasty little food blog

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Egg Bite Casserole


Butteryum food blog recipes

Egg Bite Casserole

Patricia @ ButterYum

Oven-Baked Egg Bites are one of my favorite copycat recipes. I usually bake them in silicone muffin cups, but here I adapted the recipe to fit in a 9x9-inch casserole dish by scaling it up 50%. Love the faster prep and cleanup a casserole dish provides. Enjoy!

Items used to make this recipe:

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Egg Bite Casserole

makes one 9x9-inch casserole

Printable Recipe



  • 9 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled

  • 3 scallions, sliced


  • 6 large eggs

  • 4 ounces shredded cheddar cheese

  • 3/4 cup 4% cottage cheese

  • 6 tablespoons heavy cream

  • 1 1/2 tablespoons sriracha (or ketchup)


  • 2 ounces shredded cheddar cheese

  • 3 scallions, sliced


  • Preheat oven to 400F and place rack in center position.

  • Spray a 9x9-inch casserole dish with nonstick baking spray.

  • Spread the bacon and 3 scallions over the bottom of the prepared casserole dish.

  • In a blender, combine the eggs, cottage cheese, heavy cream, 4 ounces of shredded cheddar cheese, and sriracha.

  • Pour the egg mixture evenly over the bacon and scallions.

  • Sprinkle the top with the remaining cheddar cheese and scallions.

  • Bake, uncovered, for 25-30 minutes or until cooked through (a knife inserted in the center of the casserole should come out clean); remove from oven and rest for 5 minutes before serving.


  • The casserole will puff up while baking, but it will settle down into a nice even layer as it cools.