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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Category: beverage recipes

Cherry Pit Soda

Patricia @ ButterYum

Cherry season is just beginning here in Virginia. Last year, I shared a recipe for Cherry Pit Syrup. Cherry pits are so incredibly flavorful so making cherry pit syrup is a perfect way to use them. I like to use the syrup to flavor whipped cream, drizzle it over ice cream, pour it over pancakes and waffles, etc. Today I’m using it to make some refreshing Cherry Pit Soda. Such a beautiful beverage

Cherry Pit Soda

makes 1 serving

Printable Recipe


  • 3-4 tablespoons Cherry Pit Syrup (or more to taste)

  • 6 ounces club soda, seltzer, sparkling water, or lemon-lime soda

  • crushed or cubed ice


  1. Combine cherry pit syrup with club soda, seltzer, sparking water, or lemon-lime soda and pour over ice. Serve immediately.

London Fog Latte

Patricia @ ButterYum

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve enjoyed my hot tea “light and sweet”. Who knew I was drinking a designer beverage my whole life? Here my standard recipe is dressed up a bit with frothed milk and a touch of vanilla. Some versions dress it up even more by including a few dried lavender buds. Either way, it’s a perfect afternoon treat.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

London Fog Latte

makes 1 serving

Printable Recipe



  1. Bring water to a boil; remove from heat.

  2. Pour water in mug and steep tea bag for 5 minutes; discard tea bag

  3. Froth milk; add to brewed tea along with pure vanilla extract.

  4. Sweeten to taste and enjoy.


  • Feel free to use your favorite dairy or nondairy milk.

  • Use hot or cold milk - your choice.

  • If you don’t have a milk brother, you can use a personal blender, immersion blender, or shake in a jar with a tight fitting lid for 30-60 seconds (being sure there’s a lot of air in the jar).

  • Vanilla syrup can be used in place of the vanilla extract and sweetener of choice.

  • Earl Grey tea is traditional, but English Breakfast is another favorite of mine. Use whatever tea you love.