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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Tag: irish recipes

Instant Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner

Patricia @ ButterYum


Corned Beef and Cabbage is one of my favorite meals, but even more so now that I’ve come up with a technique for cooking it in an Instant Pot. Somehow it turns out even more tender and more flavorful. Plan to start about 2 hours before you want to serve dinner. I find a 6-qt instant pot is sufficient for the recipe below (feeds 4), Use a larger instant pot to feed more (total time may take a bit longer). This recipe works equally well with store-bought or homemade corned beef (here’s my awesome diy recipe).

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate link)

Instant Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner

makes 4 servings

Printable Recipe


  • 3-pound corned beef with seasoning packet

  • 4 cloves garlic, peeled

  • 1 cup water (or beer)

  • 1/2 head cabbage, cut into 4 wedges

  • 1 pound baby potatoes (red or white skinned)

  • 1 pound carrots, cut into 1-inch pieces


  • Place 1 cup water (or beer) and trivet inside instant pot’s inner pot.

  • Add corned beef and sprinkle with seasoning packet; add garlic cloves.

  • Place lid on and be sure vent is set to “sealing”.

  • Use “manual” or “pressure cook” setting to cook on high pressure for 1 hour.

  • Quick release pressure and add potatoes, carrots, and cabbage wedges; replace lid with vent set to “sealing” and cook on high pressure for an additional 30 minutes.

  • Quick release pressure and serve.


  • Slice corned beef against the grain (see photo below).

  • This recipe, which feeds 4, is designed for a 6-quart instant pot.

  • You can substitute DIY Corned Beef instead of store-bought. The brining process in that recipe imparts enough flavor that you don’t need to worry about having the seasoning packet that is usually included with store-bought corned beef.


Keto Bangers and Mash with Onion Gravy

Patricia @ ButterYum

ketogenic bangers and mash recipe. how to make bangers and mash Keto-friendly. recipe for keto bangers and mashed cauliflower. keto recipes for st. Patrick’s day. keto st. Patrick’s day recipes. how to eat keto on st. Patricks day. Irish-style bange…

Bangers and Mash is a British meal traditionally made with mashed potatoes, but today I’ve opted to switch out the potatoes for mashed loaded cauliflower in order to make the meal more keto-friendly. Don’t get me wrong, potatoes are my all-time favorite vegetable, but for 1/5 the carb load, I don’t mind subbing cauliflower now and then. With yummy additions like cheese and bacon, I promise you won’t miss the spuds.

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Keto Bangers and Mash with Onion Gravy

makes 6 servings

Printable Recipe



  • Irish-style bangers

  • olive oil


  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • 1 small onion, thinly sliced

  • 2 tablespoons water


  • 1 pound cauliflower florets, steamed

  • 4 ounces shredded cheddar cheese

  • 2 tablespoons butter

  • 2 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled

  • garnish: sliced scallions or chopped chives



  1. Drizzle olive oil in a heavy-bottom skillet and brown bangers on each side; remove from pan and make onions in the same skillet, without cleaning the skillet.


  1. In the same skillet used to cook bangers, melt the butter and saute the onions until they are caramelized, stirring frequently.

  2. Add water to deglaze pan and return bangers; simmer until bangers are heated through.


  1. Mash together the hot steamed cauliflower, cheddar cheese, butter, sour cream, and crumbled bacon; taste and add salt and pepper as needed.

  2. Garnish with sliced scallions or chopped chives if desired.

Nutritional stats for one serving of mashed cauliflower (recipe serves 6):

  • calories 199

  • protein 8g

  • fat 17g

  • total carbs 5g

  • fiber 2g

  • net carbs 3g