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Butteryum food blog recipes

Filtering by Category: snack recipes

Frico Eggs (Keto)

Patricia @ ButterYum

Frico (freek-o) - "what's frico" you might be asking?  Frico are thin, crispy, lacey discs of cooked cheese (in this case, parmesan).  Frico are often crumbled over a salad or served as an appetizer.  Today I'm bulking up these delicate disks by marrying them with hard-cooked eggs - the flavor marriage of the two are perfect together.  Super cool looking too, don't you think?


Start by cutting hard-cooked eggs in half lengthwise.  A thin, sharp knife works best (like this one).

Oh hey, check out my absolute favorite method for cooking eggs with shells that release perfectly every single time, even when the eggs are freshly laid.  And here's my second favorite method that works almost as well.


In a nonstick skillet over medium-low heat, place little mounds of grated or ground parmesan cheese.  Depending on the size of your eggs, use between 1 1/2 and 2 teaspoons for each egg half.  You can substitute other cheeses if you like, but you'll have to experiment to see which ones work well.  I've used pecorino romano - it works beautifully, but the flavor is stronger and the cheese is quite a bit saltier than parmesan.


Carefully center one egg half on each mound of cheese.  


Now we wait.  If any bits of cheese start jumping around in the pan, lower the heat.  You don't want to risk burning the cheese so take it slow and be patient - the whole process will only take a few minutes.


Remove from the heat when they look like this.  Allow to cool slightly before removing from the pan.  Use a very thin, flexible nylon spatula (like this one) to protect the finish of your nonstick pan.  


That's all there is to it - super easy.  Enjoy!

Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)

Frico Eggs

makes 4 appetizers

Printable Recipe


  • 2 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and cut in half

  • 2 tablespoons ground pecorino romano or parmesan cheese


  1. In a nonstick skillet over medium-low heat, divide cheese into 4 equal mounds spaced evenly apart.

  2. Top each cheese mound with 1/2 hard-cooked egg, cut side down; allow cheese to slowly melt until golden brown (if the cheese starts to jump in the pan, lower the heat).

  3. Remove from skillet and enjoy.

Simple Heart Cookies

Patricia @ ButterYum

You don't need the skills of a pastry chef to make these adorable cookies - with just a few simple tools, you can make them too!  Follow me into the kitchen and I'll show you how it's done. 

rolling guides

To begin, you'll need waxed paper, a small fondant rolling pin, rolling guides (1/8-inch and 1/16-inch thicknesses to make these cookies)....

How to make professional looking heart / Valentine's Day cookies with no skills! Recipe and how-to photos.

And fondant plunger cutters.  There are all kinds of shapes available so have fun so this technique can be used for endless occasions.

red fondant

You'll also need some good quality fondant.  Some of the brands available in my area that I like are satin ice, fondarific, duff goldman, and fat daddios.  I do not care for wilton. 

I always keep white fondant on hand because I can custom color it any way I like, but it's also nice to keep darker colors on hand (red, brown, black) because it's hard to achieve the deep saturation mixing gel colors in manually.

bread proofing box to soften fondant

(this isn't a necessary tool, but it sure is handy) 

When I'm working with large quantities of fondant, I keep it in a bread proofing box set at 90F (keeping the fondant sealed in an airtight container the whole time).  When I'm ready to work with the fondant, it's warm enough that I can roll it easily without first having to knead it until it's soft and workable.

using a break proofing box to soften fondant

Love my bread proofing box from Brod & Taylor.  It's great for proofing bread dough, of course, but it has a temperature range of 70-120F, so it's good for making yogurt, melting chocolate, and keeping tempered chocolate in temper too. 

Best cookie decorating hack ever!

Alright, while the fondant is still warm and soft, roll it out between two layers of waxed paper (1/16-inch thickness) and use fondant plunger to cut shapes and imprint designs.  

How to decorate cookies with fondant

Remove scraps and allow fondant shapes to sit at room temperature until needed (they'll firm up as they rest).  Do this step before baking the cookiesbecause you'll want them ready to go when the cookies come out of the oven.

Check out this clever way to use fondant plunger cutters.

For the cookies:  roll cookie dough between two layers of waxed paper (1/8-inch thickness) and use fondant plunger to cut out shapes (no need to imprint the designs here).

Note:  If the cookie dough cutouts get too soft to move without getting distorted, slide the waxed paper onto a sheet pan and pop it in the fridge to firm the dough before transferring the cutouts to a silpat lined half sheet pan to bake as directed (as shown in this graham cracker post I shared a number of years ago).

The easiest way to decorate cookies ever!

Remove the cookies from the oven and immediately place the prepared fondant cutouts on top. 

Cookie Decorating Hack for any holiday or occasion, with recipe and photos. Valentine's Day Cookies, Easter Cookies, Baby Shower Cookies, Christmas Cookies, Halloween Cookies, Fall / Thanksgiving Cookies.

As the cookies cool, the residual heat will melt the fondant cutouts just enough that they will bond to the cookies.   

Awesome cookie hack


Items used to make this recipe:

(affiliate links)


makes 40-60 cookies

Printable Recipe



To make the cookie dough:

  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt; set aside.

  2. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the BeaterBlade attachment, beat the butter and sugar on medium high speed for 30 seconds.

  3. Add egg and vanilla; beat to combine.

  4. Add flour mixture and beat until incorporated.

  5. Remove dough from mixer bowl and wrap well with plastic wrap; chill for 1-3 hours.

  6. Preheat oven to 375F.

  7. Roll each dough portion to 1/8-inch thickness between 2 layers of wax paper.

  8. Cut out desired shapes with plunger cutters, without plunging the design into the cutout (dust cutter in flour if needed).

  9. Chill dough before transferring cutouts to sheet pan to prevent distorting.

  10. Place cookies 2-inches apart on silpat lined sheet pan.

  11. Bake for 6-8 minutes; remove from oven and top with fondant cutouts (cut to 1/16-inch thick) that have the design pressed into them.

  12. Cool completely before serving. Store in airtight container between with wax paper between layers.


  • Recipe makes 40-60 cookies, depending on size.  

  • Plan to use about 1/2 pound fondant (I like to buy white fondant so I can color it any way I like).  

  • Fondant cutouts can be made a day or more in advance if stored on wax or parchment paper in an airtight container.  

  • If the cookies cool before fondant toppers are applied, you can warm the cookies for a few seconds in the microwave (but I recommend applying the fondant to cookies as soon as they come out of the oven).